
A Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. A service mark is a word, phrase, symbol, and / or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than goods. Trade Marks Registry (TMR) is premier body of Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) working for the registration of trade and services marks under the Trademarks Ordinance, 2001. It is a federal government body and its jurisdiction for trade and services marks lies within the geographical boundary of Pakistan. It works as a civil court and its decisions are appealable at the provincial high courts.


Copyright is a legal instrument that provides the creator of a work of art or literature, or a work that conveys information or ideas, the right to control how the work is used. The intent of copyright is to advance the progress of knowledge by giving an author of a work an economic incentive to create new works. Copyright includes the following creative works: Literary works which includes Books, Magazines, Journals, Lectures, Dramas, Novels, Computer programmes/Software and compilation of data etc. Artistic works like paintings, Maps, photographs, drawings, Charts, Calligraphies, Sculptures, Architectural Works, Label Designs, Logos, Monograms and other works alike. Cinematographic works which includes movies, audio-visual works, documentaries etc; and Record works which include sound recordings, musical works etc.